Harry Potter Turns 18 [Ongoing] - Version: 0.21
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Release Date: 6 September, 2019
Game Size: 2.42 GB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Ren'Py
Current Game Version: 0.21 (Ongoing)
Total Views: 68.6K
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Game Informations
Harry Potter turns 18 it’s a sandbox made on Renpy platform. You have a wide variety of choices what to do in the game. The game will futures many fetishes like Incest, BDSM, Voyeur, Gender Bender… Actually, in this game, I want to let players experience all kinds of fetishes. Some will be avoidable some not. The game is totally free to download and totally free to play. Just download on your computer, extract with 7zip, and press twice on the .exe file.
How to install?
- Extract to desired location.
- Click on "HarryPotterturns18.exe" to start playing.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 2.42 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Harry Potter Turns 18 - Ongoing - Version 0.21 Download Links
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What's New in Harry Potter Turns 18 Version - 0.21?
Two more magic spells have been added. Now the game has 11 magic spells in total.
Magic item, the robe of invisibility
Magic potion have wide use on the day 21(you can use it in two different scenes)
Most of the magic you learned in the early days, become stronger.
A lot of all kind of sex kinky scenes with Mom.
At this moment only fulling around with your sisters. But sisters may full around very well without your help, or better to say, without you actively involved. Sure you can watch them having a new magical item or by using some powerful magical spells.
Malvina, if you don’t stop her, becomes more and more powerful in your family and may seduce your both sisters, what’s leads to lesbian NTR content
Another beautiful MILF, your Aunt Eva, stays other night. A lot of all sort of content with her on this weekend
4 movies to choose to watch with your Moman, sure if you playing dominant route, otherwise she will choose for her self, and you may not like what she chooses and what she will decide to do after, STRONG NTR warning.
Other characters:
Riana now will have split into dominatrix and sex slave content, the player can choose what to play by making the right decisions in the game. On dominant route, the player can fuck Riana twice this weekend alone and also can meet her super sexy MILF Mama.
The player can call now Germiona on the phone and can date her on Sunday. All this leads to unavoidable NTR for now.
She is ex-classmate of the player and will visit your house if your Moman was on girls out on 13th night. At this moment it’s one 10 minutes long interracial scene with her, but in the future, the player may get very lucky.
Dobby or Angel:
In depending on what route the player after, he will meet Dobby or Angel. Get ready for good humor.
The things to buy:
The player now can buy vibrating panties, but this item just at this moment has no use yet. It will be implemented on UP9. Sure, the player still can buy tones of older items. Things like bananas now will have an important use.
A lot of sexy music was added. Around 2000 high-quality pictures(the game has over 9000 pictures overall).
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