Heroine Rescue Team [Abandoned] - Version: 0.641
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Release Date: 1 November, 2019
Game Size: 216.4 MB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Others
Current Game Version: 0.641 (Abandoned)
Total Views: 15.9K
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Game Informations
Right now it plays like a dungeon crawler – take your party (or solo) into randomly generated dungeons with enemies, bosses, traps (to come), etc that presents interesting challenges and scenes for our heroines (and heroes in the future). Dress up your character(s) with the loot and treasure found in the dungeons, pick your favorite weapons and even adjust body proportions directly via sliders – no RNG this time, fully functional inventory, equipment and sliders UI.
How to install?
- Extract to desired location.
- Click on "GameDemo.exe" to start playing.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 216.4 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Heroine Rescue Team - Abandoned - Version 0.641 Download Links
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Walkthrough and Guide
Mystery Dungeon Mod: FILEKNOT - ANONZIPThe Space Tech Dungeon Mod: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP
Console Commands:
Console Commands for v5.083
Commands are subject to change.
(Updated for more map commands.)
Press ESC, in options, click the check box for enabling console.
Then press the key to the left of the 1 key, which is the tilde (~) key.
m_light_color r g b // changes the light color, can be > 1
m_spawn_npc "unitID" amt // spawns invulnerable NPCs at cursor location
m_region X - command to change current affected region
m_region_list - command to list all used regions
m_create # # - to load a new map, with the two numbers being size. Eg, (m_create 25 25)
m_load - opens a prompt to load a map from a folder.
m_save - opens a prompt to save a map in a folder.
And open it while in game, and take the items in the chest.
***** ATTENTION *****
For those of you who do not understand how to acquire the mapping tools, you must use the console command "m_load" to open the map_tools file.
Once you are in the map, take the items from the chest. These items must be equipped in the hot bar to be used.
Next, use m_create # # to generate a new map.
m_create 25 25, m_create 100 100, m_create 500 500.
Go crazy.
iron_maiden - God mode
ko_queen - Self explanatory
move_unseen - AI will not target the player
deep_pockets - Unlimited ammo
kill - kills all hostile NPCs
refresh - heals the player
give_exp #
Can also be used on companions, just hover the crosshair over them, in "dialogue range".
To spawn items, or NPCs, you need to know their ID.
You will need to close the console, and open a new window to scroll the menu.
You only need to type the ID that you see listed. They are case sensitive.
To spawn items in your inventory:
give_item “item_id” #
You must place the ID in quotations.
Some Item IDs:
yuri_potion / futa_potion / male_potion
platearmor_chest/ legs / arms / boots
elf_set_top / arm / feet / elf_head
give_item "platearmor_chest" 1
give_item "lewds" 999999999
To spawn NPCs, (at crosshair).
spawn_enemy "ID" #
spawn_friendly "ID" #
spawn_wild "ID" #
Enemy = hostile to player, and allies
Friendly = ally to player
Wild = hostile to all (not sure if hostile to each-other)
Some NPC IDs:
spawn_friendly "BUNNY_GIRL" 6
spawn_enemy "WOODS_SLAVER_GUARD" 3
To change the body type of the player or an NPC:
init_player "ID"
init_target "ID"
Player is self-targeted, the ID can be anything(?) from list_unit_ids.
Target is determined by the crosshair, you need to be in "dialogue range."
init_player "BEE_GIRL"
init_target "UNITDATA_AMBER"
What's New in Heroine Rescue Team Version - 0.641?
– fixed bug that cause NPCs (such as recruitables) to not appear in dungeon
– fixed a bug that cause the bgm music in town stacking with other bgms
– fixed a potential crush caused by AI trying to “weaponSwitch”
– only direction key input (WASD default) counts for button mashing now
– this is so you can still control the camera via arrow keys in town without instantly ending animation
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