Yuna: Reborn [Ongoing] - Version: 0.3.996a(C) Public
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Release Date: 30 September, 2022
Game Size: 3.12 GB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Unreal Engine
Current Game Version: 0.3.996a(C) Public (Ongoing)
Total Views: 40.3K
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Game Informations
Yuna is a Third-Person Action RPG Shooter with a focus on gameplay and dynamic action.
How to install?
- Extract and run.
- To install the patches - unpack + replace into root folder(the one with Yuna.exe file) of the game.
System Requirements:
- GPU GTX 970-980, 1060 3gb, 1650 4gb, RX 570 4gb
- CPU somewhere around i3-8100
- RAM 8gb - not crucial
Yuna: Reborn - Ongoing - Version 0.3.996a(C) Public Download Links
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Walkthrough and Guide
System requirements:Minimal:
GPU GTX 970-980, 1060 3gb, 1650 4gb, RX 570 4gb
CPU somewhere around i3-8100
RAM 8gb - not crucial
What's New in Yuna: Reborn Version - 0.3.996a(C) Public?
The loading screen now works as it should, and those with widescreen monitors won’t experience issues with it anymore. Tips now change automatically, so those interested can just wait without pressing the space bar. The speed of change depends on the text length, and I’ll be updating the hints over time, adding both gameplay-relevant and lore hints.
- Fixed a bug where the character would fall through the map after loading, mostly affecting those with HDDs. Yes, it’s still present.
- Fixed bugs that broke some side quests due to over-optimization—something I accidentally broke but have now fixed.
- YUNA has been added. Material consumed by Ghouls. It currently has a low drop rate from enemies, as it’ll be available through events, story quests, and side quests in different forms. Basically, Judy will consume symbiont remains to increase her YUNA levels.
- Added trait points that can be improved by the level of YUNA in the body decreases its level but enhances Judy’s abilities.
- Added a visual transformation for Judy that depends on her YUNA level: the more YUNA, the worse she looks, but the stronger she becomes. YUNA can also be used to upgrade trait points, which act as basic power-ups and significantly impact Judy’s strength.
- Added Body Modifers: You can aquire these by spending YUNA points to unlock new abilities or boost your stats further. (UI still in progress for these)
Not everyone may like the changes in Judy’s appearance.
However, I’ve added a customization option that lets you adjust her infected look at high YUNA levels. In the YUNA tab, you can modify her infected appearance, changing the color, glow, or even adding metallic effects to skin tones or modifications. - Updated landscapes and grass.
Now, the grass generates automatically, casts shadows, is dense, looks good, and doesn’t consume much memory as it loads only when needed and disappears when not. - Added settings to disable the grass completely. If you’re worried that the grass might overwork your graphics card, rest assured, it’s well-optimized.
- Updated the graphics part of the project; it looks better now, with no harsh contrasts.
Fog, sky lighting, and auto-exposure have been adjusted, though weather effects have been slightly downgraded due to optimization challenges. - Infection levels have also been updated; at lower infection stages, enemies won’t always be fully infected across multiple limbs or the body.
- The capture system, as we know, wasn’t liked by anyone, so it was decided to change it:
- Sex Mechanics:
- Inventory Changes:
- Sex Skill Tree:
- Minigame:
- Experience System
- Symbiote Mechanics
- Semen Visuals
- Enemy Behavior Fixes
- Egg Mechanics
- Save System
- Added 15 new animations
- The arena has been updated and now works differently than before.
- an abandoned warehouse;
- a forest;
- and Gorge;
- Fixed many other bugs I forgot to mention.
- Added other bugs I forgot to mention.
Changes from 0.3.996a to 0.3.996a(c):
> Many bug fixes
> Added 4 MMMF animations
> Added 1 MMMMF animation
> Reworked Compass
> Added Cinematic camera for the mini-game
> Added DEMO of first person camera
> Rebalanced mini-game
> Added sound to H-animations which were absent
> Added event bloody fog in the story mode
> Added 6 mmf animations for tentacles
> Added 2 capture animations for tentacles
> Added H – MOD in settings (check that in your settings as some may have it ON or OFF by default as it replaces mini-game)
> 2 softlocks fixed
> Quest Relax fixed
> Updated Settings menu UI
> 4 MMMF animations for tentacles
> Added Skin type customization options
> Added 4 new face types
Might be something else.
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