Artificial Academy 2 [Finished] - Version: MiniPPX v8
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Release Date: 8 June, 2024
Game Size: 1.82 GB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Others
Current Game Version: MiniPPX v8 (Finished)
Total Views: 30.0K
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Game Informations
Artificial Academy 2 (ジンコウガクエン2, Jinkou Gakuen 2) is an eroge high school social simulation, sequel of Artificial Academy and released by Illusion on June 13, 2014. Create and play any of up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation and other interaction abilities and personal inclinations. Make friends and lovers as the class competes for achievement in academics, athletics, popularity, and romance.
How to install?
- Unpack the contents of the 7zip in a folder that you have write access to and which doesn't contain kanji and kana in the path.
- Run the vc_redist.x86.exe and vc_redist.x64.exe in the extra folder if you don't already have C++ redistributable installed on your system.
Both must be installed on 64bit system. - Run AA2Play.exe to play.
IMPORTANT: Use mods in pp2 format from thread instead of AA2Install/Wizzard, installation is simple drag and drop into data directory. AA2Install/Wizzard is not supported - IMPORTANT: On Windows 10 you may get low frame rate, if this is the case follow these steps ONLY FOLLOW STEPS UNTIL IT WORKS
1. Enable Win10Fix in scripts.
At this point it should work. If it does not work.
2. Go to settings for Win10fix and change d3d9 variant to dgvoodoo2.
At this point it should work. If it does not work.
3. Disable Win10Fix in scripts
4. Enable WineD3D in scripts
5. Enable Software Vertex Processing in graphics.
At this point it should work. - Troubleshooting:
In case of crashes or inability to play the game try making the following configuration changes in the launcher:
1) Disable all cheats (geass, jizou, timewarp, extsave - cheats are disabled by default)
2) If you changed any graphics driver or launcher settings manually, revert them to defaults.
3) If you have very low system memory (less than 8GB) and you're crashing, lower PP2 caches and buffers in the AA2Unlimited tab of the launcher.
(Default settings are close to 32bit RAM limit of 4GB per process - never raise these values).
4) Enabling type 2 renderer may increase performance. - Included:
All official content and patches
AAU v1.5.3 (check for updates here)
AA2QtEdit 1.8.3 (check for updates here)
AAU Module package dated 06.07.2019 (information and updates here)
Texture Hard Linker (optional - extra folder)
Translations for everything except default cards. Translations can be uninstalled.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 1.82 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Artificial Academy 2 - Finished - Version MiniPPX v8 Download Links
Confused about how the downloading works? Here is a handy guide
Report only if Mega link or all links except Mega are unavailable. More details about it
Walkthrough and Guide
Modern Installation Guide for AA2 2020AA2 PP2 Clothing List 2020
AA2 Cards Database Archives
AA2 Mega Database
AA2 Modding Reference Guide
AAU Guide And Resources
AA2 PP2 Mods Mega
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