The Curious Case Of The Missing Nurses [Ongoing] - Version: 0.1 Beta Hotfix
Bondco Inc.
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Release Date: 20 July, 2024
Game Size: 378.52 MB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: RPGM
Current Game Version: 0.1 Beta Hotfix (Ongoing)
Total Views: 2.8K
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Game Informations
The Curious Case of the Missing Nurses is a horror game where you take control of Layla Walsh, a young nurse who’s about to work the longest shift of her life. Dragged into a hideously morphed version of the former hospital she once worked at, she learns death has now become a rare commodity. Will she live through the night or become another one of the many disappearing nurses in the mysterious town of Brookvale.
How to install?
- Extract and run.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 378.52 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
The Curious Case Of The Missing Nurses - Ongoing - Version 0.1 Beta Hotfix Download Links
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What's New in The Curious Case Of The Missing Nurses Version - 0.1 Beta Hotfix?
Hot fix incoming! Fixed a couple of the bugs people found so far, still quite a few to fix. There’s one big bug where RPGMaker is causing some performance issues so I’ll have that in the next update. Here’s a list of what I have so far:
– Pressing the “r” key would move the bust to the other side of the screen… which actually is a really good idea. But not intended to work that way so I fixed it. However, I may actually use it as a feature down the road.
– Sequence break where if you entered the exam hall and left before finishing the sequence (or gameover’d and went into the woman’s bathroom) the story would jump ahead.
– Examining certain items after heading back to the hospital would have characters speak who aren’t there anymore.
– Entering certain doors inside the normal hospital would send you back to the Undertow version.
– Losing or winning to Ashley wouldn’t count towards the number of Revitalizations.
– For some reason the game took place on Christmas Eve AND Halloween. That’s been fixed (I thought I fixed it a while ago, oh well.)
– You could obtain the “Shut Up Loser, We’re going shopping” scene an infinite amount of times. Which is too much shopping.
– Dorothy’s Revitalizations were titled wrong leading to a lot of confusion, even from me.
– Assorted collision issues in various parts of the game.
– Assorted typos, lots of assorted typos.
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