Prayers of Distorted Minds [Ongoing] - Version: 0.4
C.M.Cas Games
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Release Date: 20 January, 2025
Game Size: 1.29 GB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: RPGM
Current Game Version: 0.4 (Ongoing)
Total Views: 6.5K
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Game Informations
You shall embody the perspective of the protagonist, a young noble filled with promise, who perceives the world through a lens unlike any other. To him, extra fingers are mundane, grotesque anatomies form his norm, and a twisted reality serves as his sole backdrop, where the coherence of images has long been forsaken. In this realm, those diverging from the accepted mold find no solace but in death, leaving these extraordinary souls with no recourse but to beseech the gods for mercy, through Prayers of Distorted Minds.​
How to install?
- Extract and run.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 1.29 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Prayers of Distorted Minds - Ongoing - Version 0.4 Download Links
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What's New in Prayers of Distorted Minds Version - 0.4?
Changed Patreon Girl, now she is near the gate of Hightown, East side;
Add Rock Rooster, for rock position reset at the wall of fire puzzle;
Add Master Smith, an armor vendor with rare chance of showing up at city entrance;
Add 4 new Guild missions;
Add 3 new Romance option;
Add 12 new dates;
Add 3 new items;
Add 52 new enemies;
Add 6 new skills;
Add new Arena map (east forest);
Some new characters;
Enemies rebalanced;
Fixed a lot of typos (thx Gabo);
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