Game Informations

Set in the world of Mushoku Tensei, Set after the main story, Rudy randomly has another visitation from the Man God. How will he react to this visitation, what you choose to do is up to you. Will you start building an army to battle the Man-God? Will you ignore it entirely and just have fun building a Harem? Maybe you decide you want to just get yourself stronger and go on missions to get money and build your stats. You can essentially do whatever you want.
If you choose to work on your harem you will need to progress the story a bit and unlock some boss battles then you can begin the process of Romancing the ladies.
Let me know what you think of this initial release.
Make sure you join the discord and/or become a member on Patreon to get your votes in
I will be posting a poll sometime in the next couple of days. It’s up to you who is the next character coming to the game.

Updated Information – Please Read
If you are following this game make sure you randomly check in on the Dev Notes section as I will be updating that section often, not just for releases but updates to the community in general, as not everyone who views this page is a member of the patreon/on the discord. I want everyone to have access to the information on whats going on, So I will be updating that section at the very least weekly. Though I will be trying to update it every other day.