Game Informations

by default runs at 1280×720 resolution in a window with the ability to switch to full screen
mode using the options screen or the [V] key.

The gameplay is closely intertwined with the story, which is told through
text dialogues between characters.

The game is also accompanied by music tracks that create the right mood.

There is voice acting for all phrases in en, ru languages.

On the settings screen you can select the volume of sounds, music, track being played,
voice volume, censorship and other modes.

This is a continuation of the game from the Many Faces series: dress – hordes.

Unlike well-known games of the three-in-a-row genre, here the player’s task is simpler – you can
exchange pairs no limits. But this reduces the progress of the character’s mood or changes others

The number of steps is limited; when collecting some elements, it is added.
Alternative Gameplay Elements – Game Capture
fields and other innovative game elements. The game runs on win/linux/android/html5.
There are many types of elements in the game that affect the gameplay in different ways and
game situation.