Hero To Villain Remastered [Ongoing] - Version: 0.4.1 Public
(17 votes, average: 4.47 out of 5)
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Release Date: 11 January, 2025
Game Size: 1.48 GB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Ren'py
Current Game Version: 0.4.1 Public (Ongoing)
Total Views: 11.2K
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Chaos is ruling this world because about 1 in 2 people in this world have superpowers.
People divided to 2 groups as hero and villain.
Heroes are working for the government, and they have the responsibility to stop being bad things from happening.
On the other side, villains are working for their Villain leader, and they do everything as we can consider as bad.
You will play as MC who is the strongest hero. But one day he was betrayed by his teammates and he died. He reincarnated to the new body, and he wants to revenge on his old teammates. But could he get used to his new life?
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How to install?
Extract and Run.
System Requirements:
Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
1.48 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Hero To Villain Remastered - Ongoing - Version 0.4.1 Public Download Links
Copyright and Terms: Lewdzone is a crawling site. We post games like Hero To Villain Remastered from trusted sources like Patreon official release, creator's official site and F95. We only share links of files provided by those sources. We do not include/exclude anything to/from the packages. We do not host those files and those files are hosted in public file sharing server and by the ToS of those servers, it is legal to share any public files. For example, sharing files publicly in mega.co.nz allows us to crawl the files. If you are the creator of Hero To Villain Remastered then please claim copyright to those file sharing service's official DMCA form. And if you are a visitor and worrying about malwares, do not worry, we do not inject anything. Have fun.
Download and extract latest archive and copy the content into the installation folder.
Walkthrough mod showing change in character and relationship points as well as alignment.
Highlights character scores and and flags/variables set
Some choice recommendations
Shows relevant future checks in choices and if they are passable by following a certain path
Rename main character
Change relationship and other scores
Toggle choices made or soon to be available
What's New in Hero To Villain Remastered Version - 0.4.1 Public?
– 855+ images.
– 3310+ lines of codes.
– 6 total background music + sfx.
– NEW: Achievement
– Add: 5+ Special Image in Achievement.
– Add: 3+ Animated.
– The end of Katherine’s story.
– Main Story Progress.
– Vietnamese & Chinese language will Available.
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