Fuck Nights At Fredrika's [Ongoing] - Version: 0.20
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Release Date: 13 July, 2023
Game Size: 160.9 MB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Unity
Current Game Version: 0.20 (Ongoing)
Total Views: 12.9K
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3D Game3DCGAdventureAnimatedBig TitsFurryGropingGroup SexHorrorHumorMale ProtagonistMobile GameMonster GirlOral SexParodyRapeTitfuckVaginal Sex
Game Informations
F#&!NAF, or Fuck Nights at Fredrika’s is a pornographic parody of the first Five Nights At Freddy’s game. The objective of the game is to keep yourself safe from animatronics with malfunctioning AI.
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How to install?
- Extract to desired location.
- Game.exe to start playing.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 160.9 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Fuck Nights At Fredrika's - Ongoing - Version 0.20 Download Links
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Walkthrough and Guide
Controls:W - Face front
A/Click to the left - Turn left
D/Click to the right - Turn right
S - Open monitor (when facing the front)
Monitor can only be controlled using the mouse.
Spacebar - Close whatever door you're facing
Controls for the 'Toy Box' poser mode are there when you open it.
Teddi(Bear) - Wanders around, turning off lights every now and then. This doesn't really do anything until super late in the night when you're trying to find Chica. When attacking, she'll come to your right door and wait a bit before entering. To stop her, just close the door on her.
Chica(Chicken) - Totally silent and can enter your office at any time without you knowing. Watching her on the cams stops her from moving (unless she's already walking) but it's pointless until she's in the office hallway. She only goes to the left door, but never shows up in the actual doorway. If you spot her in the camera while she's about to enter, however, she'll go away.
Bonnie(Bunny) - Sits on stage and doesn't really do anything, up until she hacks you. If she hacks you and you don't fix it soon enough, your power goes out and she attacks. To stop the hack, open the monitor and connect the green power nodes to the battery nodes by clicking. It should tell you how to do it when it happens, though.
Foxxxy(Fox) - Stays on one camera and gets pissed off if you don't watch her play with herself on your monitor. If she gets too upset, she sprints down the hallway. If you manage to stop her at the door, she waits and taunts you until you finally open the door, and then she attacks.
Only $10+ patrons can use the cheats as it requires logging in with a Leather or Metal Tier account to access them. The cheats below are for the 2018 December build and will not work with any build after it.
"ELFEYES" Location of the animatronics in the Tablet.
"GETTOTHEPOINT" double the speed of the clock
Instant $1000 "SUBSIDYPLZ";
Toggle Golden Fredrika Skin = "BEARSKIN";
Activate Nightmare Difficulty = "GGEZNORE";
Go to Fredrika Game Over Scene = "POOHBEAR";
Go to Chica Game Over Scene = "HOTCHICKS";
Go to Bonnie Game Over Scene = "BREEDLIKERABBITS";
Go to Foxy Game Over Scene = "STUPIDLIKEAFOX";
Go to Chica+Foxy Game Over Scene = "HERBSANDSPICES
What's New in Fuck Nights At Fredrika's Version - 0.20?
Added 14 new story nights:
- The story continues with 21 of the planned 22 campaign nights completed
- Improvements to the dialog box to facilitate new story elements
Added new mechanics to each bot (SPOILERS FOR STORY MODE):
- Story nights 15-21 show case new mechancis for each bot, making them much more difficult for one night each
- Bonnie on her night will teleport around the office, office power will also not recharge
- Chica on her night will swap the camera away from her if she’s in the room being viewed by the monitor
- Foxy on her night will swap the camera to her periodically, switching away too quickly from her will make her very angry
- Fredrika on her night will hover whenever any light in the office turned off, increasing her speed and removing the sounds of her footsteps
- Mangle will repossess all furniture items from the player for the remainder of her night
- Puppet will remember the positions she’s been in for a while, this means you will need to make sure to switch to a fresh position to reduce her boredom
- Springtrap will now max the seduction meter of bots as she walks away from them, if she seduces a bot she will now come for the player instead of the bot
- In addition to the above, every bot who has enhanced difficulty for the night will be immune to dildos, have their disable mechanics removed (i.e. Mangle’s “overheat” and Bonnie’s “counter hack”), and will ignore Springtrap
Updated the QA machine:
- Changed the QA machine’s appearance to fix an issue causing it to clip into the wall during some animations
- Fixed Puppet’s dildo-disabled animation and created a new animation that is more visible
Fixed bugs:
- Finally fixed a longstanding bug that caused the control deck buttons to some times display the buttons of the previous room
- Fixed the “Sex Scene Starter” window in the toybox so that it creates sex scenes in the same manner as the “Fuck…” right click menu
- Various other minor bugs
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