Damsels and Dungeons [Finished] - Version: 1.18.2 Final + v1.2.4 Remastered
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Release Date: 29 December, 2023
Game Size: 372.0 MB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Ren'py
Current Game Version: 1.18.2 Final + v1.2.4 Remastered (Finished)
Total Views: 75.9K
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Game Informations
Formally known as Damsels and Dragons, in this game, you play a man who is managing a group of female adventurers — 4 at first, but more as time goes on — forming parties, sending them on adventures, getting them magic items, etc.
Over time you will gain the affection of your adventurers, learn to cast spells, and engage in acts of lust and perversion.
How to install?
- Extract to desired location.
- Click on "executable_name.exe" to start playing.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 372.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Damsels and Dungeons - Finished - Version 1.18.2 Final + v1.2.4 Remastered Download Links
Confused about how the downloading works? Here is a handy guide
Android APK Fileknot (v1.18.2 Final) Transfaze (v1.18.2 Final)
Mac OS Fileknot (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Transfaze (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss)
Linux Fileknot (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Transfaze (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Fileknot (v1.18.2 Final) Transfaze (v1.18.2 Final)
Android APK Mega (v1.18.2 Final)
Mac OS Gofile (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Pixeldrain (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Mega (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Mixdrop (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Uploadhaven (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Workupload (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss)
Linux Gofile (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Pixeldrain (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Mega (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Mixdrop (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Uploadhaven (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Workupload (Damsels REMASTERED Ninoss) Uploadhaven (v1.18.2 Final) Mega (v1.18.2 Final) Racaty (v1.18.2 Final) Gofile (v1.18.2 Final) Nopy (v1.18.2 Final)
Report only if Mega link or all links except Mega are unavailable. More details about it
Walkthrough and Guide
Damsels 1.18.2 Harem Mod: FILEKNOT - ANONZIPDamsels 1.18.2 Harem Mod Installation:
Unzip the contents of the .zip file and copy to your game folder. Pick replace when prompted to do so
- Gold: gold=Y
- Mana: mana=Y
- Attention: attention=Y
- Strength: roster[X].str=Y
- Dexterity: roster[X].dex=Y
- Constitution: roster[X].con=Y
- Intelligence: roster[X].int=Y
- Wisdom: none available.
- Charisma: not available.
- Sexuality: roster[X].sexuality=Y
- Hit Points: ???
- Spell Points: ???
- Experience: roster[X].experience=Y
- Affection: roster[X].affection=Y
- Lust: roster[X].lust=Y
- Alignment: good, bad or somewhere in-between?
- Add Trait: roster[X].traits.append("Trait")
- Remove Trait: roster[X].traits.remove("Trait")
- Add Fetish: roster[X].fetishes.append("Fetish")
- Remove Fetish: roster[X].fetishes.remove("Fetish")
- Name Change: ???
- Class Change: ???
X is character slot number (0–whatever); Y is desired amount.
The names of traits & fetishes can be found in-game using the help menu.
Not sure if traits.append works, because you can add something like: "roster[X].traits.append("Mega Bitch")". . . . :evilsmile:
What's New in Damsels and Dungeons Version - 1.18.2 Final + v1.2.4 Remastered?
RENDERS: (thx to Shaneride)
Alternative renders for HJ scenes.
Amazon Tanking combat renders.
Arcangel Flying Strike combat renders.
Arcangel Base combat renders.
Arcangel HJ scene.
MAP of the world to select and visualize the adventures location. Also contains informations about the location and some additional tooltips.
Barbarian Leader
Song of Mana for the Bard
Color coded brothel’s log and added a variety of descriptions.
Color coded status visual.
Added the bard’s played song to the combat UI.
Song of Mana icon.
Bandage icon.
Rework of the brothel, it’s now ~x3 more profitable.
Adventurers can serve multiple clients per day based on CON at the brothel.
Monster girls can now work in the brothel.
Significantly reduced the cost of potions.
Druid’s Healing Aura now also instantly heal the party by: 0 => 10% INT
Druid’s Healing Aura SP cost: 2 => 3 SP
Druid’s Mass Entangle SP cost: 3 => 2 SP
Druid’s Healing Aura Regeneration’s heal per turn: 1 => 5% maxHP
Heretic’s Life Drain now always heal the lowest HP member of the party
Buffed Orc Archer’s DEX and added it to more encounters.
Paladin’s Holy Strike now have a bonus against every monster (after the quest), not only undeads.
Barbarian’s Bash now have a guarantee 50% chance to succeed.
The player’s first frontlaner will always be the one starting the combat to avoid weak girls being one shoot without a chance to react.
Bella’s Ring and Erish’s Anklet gives +2 to all stats and +1 armor.
Bard’s Song of Bravery accuracy bonus: 10 => 12
Bard’s Song of Lust dodge bonus: 0 => 12
Bard’s Song of Fear flee threshold: 3 HP => 25% maxHP & 50% chance
Druid’s Bear Form heal: 5+ 25% CON => 5+ 30% CON
Drow’s Healing Word now also cures de-buffs.
Made brothel count in the net income and fixed it’s messy code, basically making it a viable option to earn gold.
Barbarian Hall BJ had no renders.
Barbarian end quest UI.
Giant’s stats where inverted, fixed.
Selecting a monster girl at the circle of Enlil was crashing the game.
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