Big Brother In Space [Ongoing] - Version: 0.9.4
Lewd Fiction Games
Consider supporting the dev if you like the game and want them to do what they love. Click on dev's link for more info.
Release Date: 6 April, 2024
Game Size: 3.76 GB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Ren'py
Current Game Version: 0.9.4 (Ongoing)
Total Views: 24.5K
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Game Informations
A new take on the ‘Big Brother’ game.
You’re stranded in space with your ship’s hyperdrive damaged until you reach a space station of the Federation.
Being the first humans who made contact with the Federation, you’re assigned to your own section of the station and two of you (Ann and Lisa) are found to be useful by the station administration and are given jobs.
The other two (Alice and you) are classified as drones,
so you’re not allowed to leave your section until the administrator decides otherwise.
The other surviving crew member Kira is going under medical examination because of a parasite detected in her stasis pod.
How to install?
- Extract and run.
- Incest patch (just put it in the /game folder and it will appear as a new 'language' in the game settings):
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 3.76 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Big Brother In Space - Ongoing - Version 0.9.4 Download Links
Confused about how the downloading works? Here is a handy guide
Android APK Fileknot (v0.6.2) Anonzip (v0.6.2) Transfaze (v0.6.2)
Mac OS Fileknot Anonzip Transfaze Fileknot (Patch v0.9.4) Anonzip (Patch v0.9.4) Transfaze (Patch v0.9.4) Fileknot (Incest) Anonzip (Incest) Transfaze (Incest)
Linux Fileknot Anonzip Transfaze Fileknot (Patch v0.9.4) Anonzip (Patch v0.9.4) Transfaze (Patch v0.9.4) Fileknot (Incest) Anonzip (Incest) Transfaze (Incest)
Report only if Mega link or all links except Mega are unavailable. More details about it
Walkthrough and Guide
Cheat Mod: FILEKNOT - ANONZIPCheat Mod Features:
- Gallery added & updated with most scenes (within Character screen)
- Add/Remove Buffs & Add Inventory Items.
- 100% Chance and Reset Event for Peeking & Sneaking in.
- UI modified for Character and Opportunity Screens.
- Character Stats can be modified on the go.
- Choices Highlighting and Stat Changes
- Opportunities are categorized based on the progress.
- Each Opportunity Stage status is shown.
- Mod can be turned ON/OFF from the Preferences menu.
(Screenshots attached at the end of the post for more information)
Cheat Mod Installing in Windows:
After you download the file (right click and "Save as")
Extract the Zip file in base folder. (Zip archive is packed with folder format)
UnZip file using "Extract here" option in the <Game Folder>
Copy the Cheat Mod file into folder [ <Game Folder>\game ]
Location should look as below:
What's New in Big Brother In Space Version - 0.9.4?
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- Do Not ask for new updates/"when it will release" etc unless it is already released by developers. We do not develop games, use common sense.
- Use English Language only.
- You can click the bell icon before commenting to get mail whenever someone replies your comment. Great way to be notified if you are posting questions, be sure to provide correct email in that case.
- If you want to ask features of games like Bugfixing, save file support, new content ideas etc then please contact the game developer, Lewd Fiction Games .
- You can help us by reporting dead links, wrong informations, new available updates etc in the comment section.
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