Night Of Revenge [Finished] - Version: 1.0.7
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Release Date: 21 April, 2023
Game Size: 566.0 MB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Unity
Current Game Version: 1.0.7 (Finished)
Total Views: 270.1K
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Game Informations
Night of Revenge is a 2D action RPG hack and slash Game from D-Lis, the maker of Bullet Requiem from back in 2015, The gameplay is inspired by Dark Souls and Metroidvania with combine visuals action of its above-average production values.
You play as character “Aradia” the main female protagonist of the game that fight corruption and her mission is to save the girls who are being torned and tortured by monster; as playthrough in your journey you’ll be navigating each level and fighting enemies and bosses along the way, with some light puzzle-solving elements in stages with many unique enemies.
The download is patched with the Uncensored assets and Mosaic Removal.
How to install?
Extract and run. - B-METHOD
Extract to desired location.
Run using Japanese Locale emulator or change applocale to japanese.
Click on .exe to start playing
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 566.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Night Of Revenge - Finished - Version 1.0.7 Download Links
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Walkthrough and Guide
F1 to show/hide cheats
F2 for infinite HP/MP/SP
F3 for +50k exp
AutoTranslator: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP
Uncensored Assets: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP
Uncensored Assets Installation:
-Copy all sharedassets files from the Uncensored Assetfiles folder into your NightofRevenge_Data folder, and replace all existing files
-If you wish to install the Bunnysuit mod, complete the step above, then overwrite the sharedassets2.assets file with the one in the BONUS Bunnysuit folder. BACKUP THE FILE BEFORE OVERWRITING.
Uncensored Assets Features:
-Asset files that replace the baked-in mosaic censorship found in the vanilla game, lovingly crafted by myself and Quaking_Nuts
-Every modified sprite sheet in raw .png format to be used however you want
-A special optional sharedassets file that swaps the first unlockable bonus costume model with a (kinda shitty) Bunnysuit
-An incredible map by Kek1245
Installing BepInEx Mosaic Remover:
-Download BepInEx 32-bit (x86) version
-Place the contents of the .zip file into the same folder as your NoR .exe
-Run the game, then quit out of the game
-New folders should now be available in the BepInEx folder. Place DumbRendererDemosaic.dll in the BepInEx/plugins folder.
(Sometimes this file pops a single false positive on Virustotal from some no-name AV suite, run your own scan if you want to be cautious.)
Let me know if you notice any major fuckups or significant graphical screw-ups (pieces with ugly outline glow) and I'll do a quick patch if I missed anything. The Bunnysuit mod is kind of shitty and I won't be fixing gaps in the model, mostly because it's more-or-less impossible. (the sprite sheet it too cramped to resize)
- general UI elements (Status, Equip, Spell, and Item)
- the instruction text boxes in the Parish Church (starting area) and the first area you can Altar travel to
- short and long descriptions and stats for items, weapons, equipment, and enemies.
- Solo PC and NPC dialogues as well as full conversations. (that includes Suzune and Illusive, as well as the Alley Bar scene)
- Bad End dialogues
- Even the moaning and groaning. And there was a lot of moaning and groaning, like holy fucking shit.
Place the
Folder in either the BepInEx
or AutoTranslator
folders located in the root folder if you're using the plugin or stand-alone version respectively.

Basic control: (all by default)
WSAD to move, space to jump,
left click to attack (for 2-3times depending on different weapons); Hold left click for a bit longer for stronger attacks,
right click to guard , reduce/deflect melle/magic attacks;
mouse wheel up to use your gun,
mouse wheel up +A/S , +w ,+ s to use other 3 magics.
double click left/right, or F key to dash, for quicker movement or avoid melee attacks;
space key to jump, or cancel(while in menu)
(you can double jump, and dash for 1 time at each jump.)
(you can attack while in the air.)
I to open menu , (while in menu ,only use your keyboard, never use your mouse)
space to cancel/resume
OK/Pick up items/Use items/Toggle elevators/Continue Key : E
Cancel : SPACE
use your EXP points to increase your HP/MP or any other status, LUCK is not implement yet.
reset all your EXP points at the NPC near the very 1st shrine, at any time.
theres also a training dummy near the 1st shrine.
once you've been knocked down,
some of the mobs would come to rape you,
(all mobs should rape you but since it's still under development only some would do)
(to see which mobs, check the gallery for availability)
during which you can press SPACE to zoom in, arrow keys to adjust your camera,
left/right click to break out.
when you die,
choose the 1st option to quickly respawn at your last shrine,
choose the 2nd option to show your nightmare. (then restart at shrine)
(only several nightmares available now)
(during the nightmares press key 1-9 to toggle options if available)
Other tips:
you gain EXP points by killing mobs.
when you kill a mob, theres a chance it would drop イデア集合体 (meaning essence of イデア ,i dont know hwat that is),
you'd have to use them to gain EXP points.
any items named like XXXの紋章紙片 are consumable, use them to enchant your weapons for temporary increased power.
would be ofgreat help when fighing bosses in hard difficulty.
any items named like 潜在石 are for empower your weapons permanently.
you can try different weapons, equip up to 4 rings. CUSTOM slots are not implement yet.
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