D.Sim [Ongoing] - Version: 0.3.1.public
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Release Date: 16 November, 2024
Game Size: 6.09 GB
Censorship: Uncensored
Game Engine: Unity
Current Game Version: 0.3.1.public (Ongoing)
Total Views: 5.4K
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Game Informations
A real-time 3D Sex Simulator with high-end graphics.
Play the Sandbox to have fun with different ladies in all kinds of sex positions, including fetishes like consensual BDSM and more. Or play the Story-Mode with RPG elements, all presented in beautiful high-fidelity graphics.
Story: It was just a joke, you thought. But because you answered what you thought was a simple spam e-mail, you suddenly wake up in a strange room. The doors are locked. However, you’re not alone. With you is the princess of a strange country you have never heard of before.
She welcomes you in your new role as General. It’s now your job to save the world! You have to assemble a team of fighters, equip them, and send them against the invading forces.
But of course, you also get to know the princess a lot better…
How to install?
- Extract and run DSim.exe
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 6.09 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
D.Sim - Ongoing - Version 0.3.1.public Download Links
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What's New in D.Sim Version - 0.3.1.public?
A lot has changed in the backend, so let me know if there are any bugs. This is a very complex project, and I’m working on it alone, so I’m not always able to find everything, so I apologize if I missed something. I’ll do my best to fix serious issues as soon as possible. This update contains a lot of optimization, but as always, the strand hair is the bottleneck. If you have any fps problems, turn “Simple Hair” on in the options.
- Fully interactive bondage and tickling scene.
- Choose ropes and gags.
- Stimulate different body part
- Foot wrinkles system
- Custom animation by Puggy
- Fully voiced and facial animation (Theia is voiced by the wonderful PixieWillow. Monya is voiced by the wonderful Bordeaux Black)
- Voice dependent on intensity and gag
- Gags available in dresser for both women
- Monya’s doggystyle on wall scene
- Story cut-scenes
- Complete backend upgrade.
- Every package is up-to-date.
- Required redoing some systems
- Strand Hair system redone
- I did my best to test everything, but there might be some issues I haven’t encountered. Let me know if you find anything
Some bad news: D.Sim will very likely not be on steam. They refuse to give me the exact reason. I was working on a 3rd person action segment for the game, which will now probably be split into another game. D.Sim will be continued as a more fetish orientated playground. At the same time there will be a new game in the same framework. This new game will be more story orientated and contain the action part. I designend my framework to support multiple games out of the box. Still, I would have liked to release D.Sim on steam.
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